Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Keep Your Dog Healthy and Drooling

Keeping your dog happy and drooling can sometimes be seen as an unnecessary chore. The companies that make dog food surely know what they are doing right? Well... sometimes it is just dangerous to trust the health of your dog to someone other than yourself. The 2007 dog food recalls (mainly from Canadian supplier Menu Foods) shows that just a little bit of extra work can be the difference between your dog being healthy and sick. Cooking healthy for your dog, while taking a bit extra time, can mean the world of difference for your beloved pooch.

A good meal always consists of a portion of carbohydrates. These are important nutrients for dogs as well as providing them with boundless energy - so that they can be more active and you can have more fun with them. Carbohydrates are also great fillers. Cereals, rice and pasta are rich sources of carbohydrates that can be the base for any meal you make for your dog. You would then top it up with a nice portion of meat and vegetables to balance out the meal.

As dogs are omnivorous it is important to give them meat as well, but the best types of meat are certainly chicken, lamb and salmon. While salmon is not strictly a meat - it is very oily and dogs love oily foods. Unlike us humans, who have to work - dogs spend most of their time running around so they need a greater amount of fats and oils in their diet. These will also help with their digestive capacity and give them extra energy. Make sure the fish is cooked, because the consumption of raw fish can lead to vitamin deficiencies, bad posture and weakness in your dog. The same goes for raw meat - feeding them exclusively on raw meat can make the susceptible to certain diseases that giving them cooked/fried/roasted/barbecued meat could avoid.

A good point to note is that dogs must always have fresh water. It is recommended that their water be changed at least twice a day (once in the morning and once in the afternoon). This should go without saying, but many people do not do this. Giving your dog water once a day is simply not enough and is actually detrimental to their health. Furthermore, make sure that yours receives a moderate amount of milk - but never overdo it as it can lead to diarrhea.

Also, make a point of feeding your dog at regular intervals. Nothing keeps a dog healthy and happy like a regular meal. It helps you train them as you will know approximately when they are going to need to go outside. It also keeps dogs happier in general as dogs like strict regimes and consistency. They want to follow an alpha - so be their alpha!
All in all, to keeping your dog healthy and happy requires very little extra effort. Plan it around your own meal plan and you may find that they may not need any additional supplements to maintain a completely happy and healthy life.

If you truly want to maintain a healthy dog, go to this website now: http://www.healthydogsbark.com It is the top resource for tips and dog food recipes to keep healthy dogs happy.

Edgar Ong
Dog Health Expert & Dog Lover

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