Thursday, October 14, 2010

Choosing the Right Dog Halloween Costume

As Halloween approaches, you may wonder what to get your pooch attired in for the big event. With the selections available, you are sure to find exactly what you want.

Taking your own efforts into consideration, you will want one that is easy to put on your dog. Velcro closures do simplify the process, but some have too long a belly seam for male dogs. For this reason, tabs may be a better choice for your boy.

It doesn't matter if your dog weighs two pounds or two hundred. It is only important that your baby likes to get dressed. There are some dogs that you cannot persuade to dress and be cute. Others think it is just the thing for a holiday dress.

If you have ever been to a doggie Halloween costume party you have probably seen costumes of every variety. The traditional to the most unlikely, all will be evident at these events. Every dachshund owner has the thought of dressing their pooch as a hot dog. It is cute, but common. Perhaps for a change you may want to dress them up as hamburgers. Hamburger costumes are available. It will draw attention to your creativity.

Maybe that 160 pound mastiff can go as a ballerina. Now that would be a show stopper for sure. It all depends on the demeanor of your mastiff. If it is one that objects to having a collar placed around the neck, it probably won't want to be dressed in anything other than the collar when you take it out for a party.

Dogs do have feelings. Some like the revelry associated with dress-up parties and some do not. It depends on their tolerance. If they will let you put a hat or a pair of sunglasses on them, you may have reached the limit. Others will allow the dress, but don't want you to touch the head. You know your dog best and should judge your outfit on what will allow the dog to be comfortable.

Little dogs can be just about anything you would like them to be and be cute. An easy to dress pooch will probably strut their stuff when you arrive at the party. Boots and shoes may not go well. If you have ever seen the awkward gait that a dog with boots has, you will understand. It appears they are trying to step out of a mud puddle with every step. Perhaps you need to stop at the costume level.

If you are planning on hosting a Halloween party for your dogs friends, you may put a theme to it. Choosing fairy tales is always popular. The girls can come as Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland. The boys can come as prince charming or the mad hatter. Most of the other fairy tales have costumes available as well. From Little Red Riding Hood to Batman, someone has thought of it before you did.

A quick search on the internet will yield all of the fairy tale or other costumes that are available today. Watch your prices and your shipping costs. There are times when you can visit a local pet store and possibly pay a little more, but come out ahead, due to the shipping.

Article by Nancy Cope a proud owner of 4 rescue dogs and owner of Pampered Dog Gifts an online dog boutique that specializes in special gifts for pampered pooches. Please visit to shop for dog Halloween costumes, gourmet treats, gift baskets and more for your spoiled pooch.

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